
Glimpse into the future.

All your cars are belong to us. There is a big knock about automobiles and their effect on the environment. In the US, there was a 'cash for clunkers' program to give an incentive for the destruction of old (gas guzzling) cars. These cars were then lined up and scrapped or crushed, otherwise made entirely useless.

What has replaced the "gas guzzlers" of old? More fucking gas guzzlers.

The real key is to take our older cars and equip them with a new drive system. Swap out the gas engine for an electric motor, and the gas tank and exhaust system for batteries. Apparently the big business model has figured out that they can charge about ten times as much for a newly manufactured chassis than they can for one already on the road. Thus, we will not see affordable electric convenience unless we take matters into our own hands.

That is exactly what my uncle did, in his garage. Here's the first draft of his solution to our pollution-laden commute. He purchased a regular old gas guzzling BMW and swapped gas for electricity.

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