
living with animals

So in my move from the city to the country the things I've cherished most is the abundance of animals. It's funny even the white moth caterpillars that hang in the sun are kind of magical as well. They bob up and down on their silk and it looks like they are floating, they're getting ready to fly i guess.

I opened my front door a couple days ago and there were three deer about 15-20 feet away, reminding me the importance for quality deer fencing. I chased them off though, I don't really want my garden picked clean.

I was riding through a little section of singletrack the other day and had to come to a complete stop because there was a little kitten in the way. It didn't even move until after I stopped! Then it bounded down the path.... me in tow until it got wise and jumped only a few feet off the path and then watched me. I think I'll leave cat food outside my house at night... hopefully the wild cats go for it and not racoons.

I have a moderate case of poison oak on my arm, it's been about five or six days now and it is starting to clear up... FINALLY. I know I was exposed when we fixed the phone line and now I am so angry with myself for not doing a better job washing up afterwards.

I hit my first bird with a car yesterday. Poor little guy was too busy eating to see me coming up the road I guess. Before I got a chance to feel bad about hitting the little bird, about a quarter of a mile down the road I saw a big hawk fly across the road in front of me. He was followed by a whole crew of sparrows chasing it off. I'm sure I'll see more in the months to come.

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